Supporting Cornish Tourism

Tourism is the biggest economic sector in Cornwall. It is a vital source of employment and income for the region.


Interesting facts about tourism in Cornwall:

  • It accounts for at least one in five jobs in Cornwall.
  • Over four million people every year come to Cornwall for tourism.
  • Growth in tourism to Cornwall is projected to grow at 3.8 percent per year through to 2025.

However, Cornwall can do better and make more of its tourism industry. To help our County to not only survive but to also thrive, there are some challenges that we need to recognise:

Top 5 Challenges for Cornwall Tourism in 2023

  1. Reducing pool of skilled and unskilled workers makes recruitment difficult.
  2. Increasing number of ‘hard to fill’ posts, particularly in catering.
  3. Transport issues result in problems for local residents getting to places of employment.
  4. Lack of child care provision is a problem for some local residents wishing to go to work.
  5. Lack of opportunity for training and further education is a problem for local residents as well as a possible barrier for attracting skilled workers from areas outside of Cornwall.

Local and national authorities can and must help to provide the environment and conditions to support the tourism industry in North Cornwall.

Mission Statement

As your MP for North Cornwall, I will place a priority on lobbying for measures to support tourism in North Cornwall. This will include:

  • Identification and removal of as much ‘red tape’ as possible. ‘Red tape’ is unhelpful to most businesses.
  • Make sure that any existing support (e.g. access to possible grants and loans ) is better publicised to those who will benefit from access to support (i.e. employers and workers).
  • See what can be done from national government to prioritise allocation of support funding to Cornwall for better transport, child care and further education.

References and resources

  1. Cornwall: supplying skills for the local visitor economy
  2. How does the Cornish economy compare with the rest of the UK?